Andrew Sanborn
What I will miss most is my loving host family, who cared for me like I was one of their own. Throughout the year, they have supported me and made me feel welcome in a place that was very intimidating at first. When they came to greet me, they brought a giant bouquet of flowers for me. I will miss my host family very much when I leave Vietnam. They will always have a special place in my heart, and I will never forget the kindness they showed to me this past year.
Anna Oakes
I’ll think about the Chị’s
at the Mì Xào place and the Cô’s at the café we rather nonsensically called Ga 36, and
how they went from being just our waitresses to what I could easily call our
friends. I’ll remember waving hello every day to the family—husband, wife, and
two grown children—who always sit at the corner of my street drinking tea and
smoking Thuốc lào. I doubt I’ll forget the more unpleasant
things, either: walking down the street, painfully aware of blatant stares and
trying not to make eye contact with anyone. Uncomfortable cab rides, unwelcome
catcalls from old men, and an unbelievable number of demands for my name, age,
phone number, and current marital status. To me, Viet Nam cannot be condensed
into a few noteworthy anecdotes; instead, it can only really be remembered as
an accumulation of routines, customs, and experiences.Perrine Aronson
Elliot Crofton
Vietnam has grown on me. It squeezes its way into my veins and pumps through me. I will miss this place very much. I will miss my host family, I will miss my friends, and I will also miss the language; above all though I will simply miss being somewhere different. This place is so completely unlike everything I know, and I have grown fond of constantly being surrounded by new things. I will miss being in the beautiful, cloudy, mysterious land of Vietnam.
Luke Williams
What I will remember most about Viet Nam are the people. I have built many relationships that have defined my time here. The bonds that I have created with my host family and friends inside and outside of school have really made this experience memorable. For me living has always been about relationships, and living in Vietnam has exemplified this once again.
Sarah Weiner